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Senin, 02 Desember 2013

Tips to Use Mirana (Dota2)

  • Moonlight Shadow is useful both as an escape ability for yourself and/or the team, and as a way to set up a gank
  • As a strong semi-carry, Mirana is quite special - she doesn't really need farm early-mid game, thus making her a threat at that stage as a ganker. She is able to farm up items quite quickly by using Starstorm to clear creep waves as well. 
  • The movement/attack speed bonus from Leap is quite significant, more than an activated Drum of Endurance. Position this correctly during teamfights to buff all your allies with it.
  • Even a level 1 Sacred Arrow can give a large stun if far away enough. Hiding in the jungle at level 1 and hitting one at level 1 can secure an easy first blood if laning with a good partner. 

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