Kondisi di Jepang
Pemerintah mengungkapkan telah mengevakuasi 3000an penduduk dalam radius
3,2 KM. tetapi kantor berita Kyodo menyebut 20.000 orang yang
dievakuasi. Kini, penduduk dalam radius 10 kilometer juga diminta
mengevakuasi diri.
Kondisi kerusakan reaktor Nuklir di Jepang ini memaksa sejumlah negara
harus turun tangan untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Mengingat radioaktif ini
bukan bahan yang gampang hilang. Rotasi bumi, angin dan sebagainya
berpotensi menyebarkan radioaktif ini ke seluruh dunia. Tidak terkecuali
Indonesia yang minim ilmu soal Nuklir.
Saya ingat dulu pada peristiwa Chernobyl yang di Uni Sovyet, tebaran
radioaktifnya sampai ke Canada. Anda bisa melihat ke atlas sendiri
betapa jauhnya jarak tersebut. Melintasi samudra Fasifik. Posisi Jepang
adalah kira kira setengah jarak Chernobyl ke Canada. Lalu lihat kembali
ke Atlas, posisi Jepang yang tsunaminya sampai ke Sulut dan Jayapura.
Saya kira cukup bijaksana kalau pemerintah memperhitungkan masalah ini.
Tapi ya… kewaspadaan seperti ini tak jarang dituding lebay.
Sekalian bisa menjadi masukan penting untuk orang orang di Iran, India,
Pakistan, Cina, Amerika, Rusia dan lain lain yang suka main main dengan
nuklir. Memang pengamanan bisa dilakukan secara maksimal. Tapi ternyata
gempa dan bencana alam lainnya bisa mengakibatkan efek yang yah….
Menurut legenda, Atlantis saja hilang...
Jumat, 06 Desember 2013
Dampak dan Efek dari Paparan Radioaktif (Krisis Nuklir Jepang)lanjutan
Pada peristiwa Chernobyl, dilaporkan sekitar 4000 orang tewas. Dan
jumlah korban terus meningkat seiring dengan berjangkitnya penyakit
penyakit yang diakibatkan paparan radiasi. Kanker adalah penyakit yang
paling banyak dilaporkan. Jumlah korban yang jatuh akibat paparan
radiasi ini masih kontroversi. Namun perkiraan umum adalah berkisar
antara 93 – 200 ribu jiwa.
Korban yang terkena sindrom akut radiasi (ARS) biasanya langsung tewas dalam jangka waktu seminggu. Sementara itu korban juga berjatuhan sebagai akibat efek tak langsung dari radiasi yang menyebabkan banyak kasus kanker tyroid. korban radiasi nuklir juga ada yang mengidap penyakit leukimia, gangguan metabolisme, dan katarak. Sejumlah orang juga mengaku mengalami masalah kesuburan dan masalah kehamilan, tetapi belum dapat dipastikan apakah masalah itu merupakan efek radiasi.
Kerusakan Akibat Pencemaran Radioaktif
Yang paling berbahaya dari pencemaran radioaktif seperti nuklir adalah radiasi sinar alpha, beta dan gamma yang sangat membahayakan makhluk hidup di sekitarnya. Selain itu partikel-partikel neutron yang dihasilkan juga berbahaya. Zat radioaktif pencemar lingkungan yang biasa ditemukan adalah 90SR penyebab kanker tulang dan 131J.
Apabila ada makhluk hidup yang terkena radiasi atom nuklir yang berbahaya biasanya akan terjadi mutasi gen karena terjadi perubahan struktur zat serta pola reaksi kimia yang merusak sel-sel tubuh makhluk hidup baik tumbuh-tumbuhan maupun hewan atau binatang.
Efek serta Akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh radiasi zat radioaktif pada manusia umumnya menimbulkan ciri ciri langsung seperti berikut di bawah ini : meningkatnya denyut jantung atau nadi, pusing, nafsu makan hilang, diade, deman atau suhu badan naik. Lebih lanjut ciri ciri tersebut akan menyebabkan berat badan turun, kanker darah atau leukimia.
Korban yang terkena sindrom akut radiasi (ARS) biasanya langsung tewas dalam jangka waktu seminggu. Sementara itu korban juga berjatuhan sebagai akibat efek tak langsung dari radiasi yang menyebabkan banyak kasus kanker tyroid. korban radiasi nuklir juga ada yang mengidap penyakit leukimia, gangguan metabolisme, dan katarak. Sejumlah orang juga mengaku mengalami masalah kesuburan dan masalah kehamilan, tetapi belum dapat dipastikan apakah masalah itu merupakan efek radiasi.
Kerusakan Akibat Pencemaran Radioaktif
Yang paling berbahaya dari pencemaran radioaktif seperti nuklir adalah radiasi sinar alpha, beta dan gamma yang sangat membahayakan makhluk hidup di sekitarnya. Selain itu partikel-partikel neutron yang dihasilkan juga berbahaya. Zat radioaktif pencemar lingkungan yang biasa ditemukan adalah 90SR penyebab kanker tulang dan 131J.
Apabila ada makhluk hidup yang terkena radiasi atom nuklir yang berbahaya biasanya akan terjadi mutasi gen karena terjadi perubahan struktur zat serta pola reaksi kimia yang merusak sel-sel tubuh makhluk hidup baik tumbuh-tumbuhan maupun hewan atau binatang.
Efek serta Akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh radiasi zat radioaktif pada manusia umumnya menimbulkan ciri ciri langsung seperti berikut di bawah ini : meningkatnya denyut jantung atau nadi, pusing, nafsu makan hilang, diade, deman atau suhu badan naik. Lebih lanjut ciri ciri tersebut akan menyebabkan berat badan turun, kanker darah atau leukimia.
Dampak dan Efek dari Paparan Radioaktif (Krisis Nuklir Jepang)
11 Maret 2011 Jepang dilanda gempa dan tsunami dasyat dengan kekuatan 8,9 skala Richter. Gempa dan tsunami ini selain menimbulkan kerusakan hebat pada negara Jepang, ternyata juga menimbulkan kerusakan pada reaktor Nuklir di perusahaan listrik Tokyo Electric Power Corp. (Tepco).
Hari itu juga pemerintah Jepang mengeluarkan pengumuman Darurat Nuklir. Tak lama setelah itu, pemerintah memberikan penjelasan, “Ada kemungkinan materi radioaktif dari reaktor bocor tetapi jumlahnya sedikit dan diperkirakan tertiup angin ke arah laut,” kata Sekretaris Kabinet Yukio Edano dalam jumpa pers, Jumat (11/3).
Tanggal 12 Maret 2011 Sebuah tayangan televisi yang disiarkan kantor berita lokal memperlihatkan adanya asap yang keluar dari pembangkit milik perusahaan Tokyo Electric Power Corp (Tepco). Televisi NHK melaporkan bagian luar gedung tempat reaktor nuklir berada, meledak. Empat orang pekerjanya dilaporkan terluka.
Ledakan yang terdengar dari Tepco, berlokasi di 240 kilometer utara Jepang, pada pukul 06.30 pagi waktu setempat. Ledakan itu diduga berasal dari reaktor nomor 1 yang berada di Fukushima Daiichi. Bahan atom merembes dari salah satu reaktor di Fukushima Daiichi seperti yang juga terjadi di reaktor lainnya milik perusahaan listrik Electric Power Cor (Tepco). Pembangkit listrik Fukushima Daini dan Fukushima Daiichi adalah dua fasilitas listrik yang berlokasi di dua tempat berbeda di daerah timur laut Jepang. Setiap pembangkit memiliki reaktor nuklir masing-masing.
Kedua pembangkit itu mengalami masalah setelah terguncang gempa berkekuatan 8,9 skala Richter yang berlangsung pada pukul 14.46 Jumat kemarin. Tiga dari empat unit sistem pendinginan di Fukushima Daini rusak. Temperatur air pendingin pada reaktor meningkat di atas 100 derajat Celcius, sebagai tanda sistem pendinginnya tidak berfungsi.
Pemerintah Jepang belum mengeluarkan pernyataan apapun terkait dengan ledakan ini sampai artikel ini saya tuliskan.
Spekulasi lantas merebak. Ledakan reaktor nuklir ini tak pelak mengingatkan publik pada kecelakaan Nuklir paling horor sepanjang sejarah, peristiwa Chernobyl - Ukraina, pada 26 April 1986.
Macam-macam Olahraga yang Menyehatkan
1. Olah Raga Atletik
Atletik merupakan olahraga tertua yang ada di dunia ini. Atletik pertama kali adalah lari. Setelah itu, baru ada lempar lembing, lompat jauh dan lain-lain. Atletik diambil dari bahasa Yunani yang berarti lomba.
Beberapa contoh Olahraga Atletik :
a. Lari Jarak Dekat (Sprint)
Sprint adalah olahraga lari yang lintasannya biasanya lurus dan jarak dekat. Biasanya jarak yang dilombakan adalah 20,50, dan 100 meter.
b. Lari Estafet
Lari estafet adalah lari dengan jarak lintasan 400 meter dan dilakukan secara beregu. Kegiatan ini juga memerlukan kecepatan dan ketelitian tangan. Apabila tongkat pada saat diberikan kepemain lain dan tongkat tersebut jatuh, waktu terbuang percuma
c. Lari Maraton
Lari marathon merupakan kegiatan lari yang paling terkenal di dunia dan di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Jarak yang digunakan mencapai 195 meter. Selain bisa dijadikan hobi, Lari marathon juga dapat menyebabkan orang menjadi kaya, karena dalam lari marathon, apabila ada lomba/pertandingan misalnya di Amerika, hadiahnya sangat luar biasa.
Biasanya dilakukan secara berkelompok dan melewan kelompok lain. contohnya antara lain :
a. Sepak Bola
Permainan ini paling popular di dunia khususnya di Indonesia. Satu team terdiri dari 11 orang yang tujuannya untuk memasukkan bola/ mencetak goal sebanyak banyaknya ke dalam gawang lawan
b. Basket
Berbeda dengan sepakbola, permaiann basket sangat popular di Amerika. Satu team terdiri dari 5 orang. Permainan dilakukan dengan cara memantulkan bola sambil berjalan, dan tidak boleh membawa bola sampai beberapa langkah kecuali dalam Lay Up. permainan ini biasanya dilakukan di ruangan tertutup
Olah raga air merupakan olahraga yang berhubungan dengan air. Olahraga air yang sangat populer adalah Renang. Hampir semua orang, kecuali penulis bisa melakukan kegiatan renang
Atletik merupakan olahraga tertua yang ada di dunia ini. Atletik pertama kali adalah lari. Setelah itu, baru ada lempar lembing, lompat jauh dan lain-lain. Atletik diambil dari bahasa Yunani yang berarti lomba.
Beberapa contoh Olahraga Atletik :
a. Lari Jarak Dekat (Sprint)
Sprint adalah olahraga lari yang lintasannya biasanya lurus dan jarak dekat. Biasanya jarak yang dilombakan adalah 20,50, dan 100 meter.
b. Lari Estafet
Lari estafet adalah lari dengan jarak lintasan 400 meter dan dilakukan secara beregu. Kegiatan ini juga memerlukan kecepatan dan ketelitian tangan. Apabila tongkat pada saat diberikan kepemain lain dan tongkat tersebut jatuh, waktu terbuang percuma
c. Lari Maraton
Lari marathon merupakan kegiatan lari yang paling terkenal di dunia dan di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Jarak yang digunakan mencapai 195 meter. Selain bisa dijadikan hobi, Lari marathon juga dapat menyebabkan orang menjadi kaya, karena dalam lari marathon, apabila ada lomba/pertandingan misalnya di Amerika, hadiahnya sangat luar biasa.
Biasanya dilakukan secara berkelompok dan melewan kelompok lain. contohnya antara lain :
a. Sepak Bola
Permainan ini paling popular di dunia khususnya di Indonesia. Satu team terdiri dari 11 orang yang tujuannya untuk memasukkan bola/ mencetak goal sebanyak banyaknya ke dalam gawang lawan
b. Basket
Berbeda dengan sepakbola, permaiann basket sangat popular di Amerika. Satu team terdiri dari 5 orang. Permainan dilakukan dengan cara memantulkan bola sambil berjalan, dan tidak boleh membawa bola sampai beberapa langkah kecuali dalam Lay Up. permainan ini biasanya dilakukan di ruangan tertutup
Olah raga air merupakan olahraga yang berhubungan dengan air. Olahraga air yang sangat populer adalah Renang. Hampir semua orang, kecuali penulis bisa melakukan kegiatan renang
5 Olahraga Sederhana Yang Mudah Dan Menyehatkan
Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Beragam
olahraga bisa kita lakukan setiap hari seperti sepakbola, lari marathon,
berenang, bermain basket atau yang lainnya. Namun ternyata ada juga
olahraga yang sederhana yang mudah dan menyenangkan yang dapat dilakukan
oleh kita setiap hari tanpa harus menyita banyak waktu di sela-sela
kesibukan rutinitas kita setiap harinya. Sahabat, tips kesehatan.
Berikut ini 5 jenis olahraga sederhana yang mudah dan menyenangkan yang
dapat kita lakukan tiap harinya :
- Olahraga sederhana yang dapat kita lakukan yaitu berjalan kaki. Ini
merupakan salah satu jenis olahraga sederhana yang dapat anda lakukan
setiap harinya. Luangkan waktu anda sejenak setiap pagi untuk berjalan
kaki atau jika jarak sekolah atau tempat anda bekerja cukup dekat, anda
dapat berjalan kaki untuk mencapai sekolah atau tempat anda bekerja.
- Olahraga sederhana yang kedua yaitu berlari. Mungkin ini salah satu olahraga yang tidak sulit anda lakukan. Anda bisa meluangkan waktu di pagi hari untuk melakukan jenis olahraga yang satu ini. Olahraga ini sangat baik untuk masa otot anda dan juga membakar kalori dalam tubuh anda.
- Olahraga sederhana yang ke tiga yaitu push up dan sit up. Olahraga ini tidak terlalu banyak menyita waktu anda dan dapat anda lakukan di sela-sela aktivitas anda setiap hari. Manfaat dari olahraga ini yaitu untuk membakar kalori tubuh anda dan membuat tubuh anda bugar serta mampu membentuk otot tubuh anda.
- Olahraga sederhana yang keempat yaitu senam. Olahraga ini juga sangat mudah anda lakukan setiap harinya. Jika di iringi musik olahraga ini juga makin menyenangkan untuk dilakukan setiap harinya.Olahraga ini juga dapat dilakukan oleh semua orang di berbagai jenjang umur dari anak-anak hingga lansia. Manfaatnya sangat baik untuk kesehatan tubuh anda dan menjaga kebugaran anda setiap harinya.
- Olahraga sederhana yang kelima yaitu bersepeda. Olahraga ini juga sangat mudah dilakukan oleh semua orang di berbagai jenjang umur. Anda dapat melakukannya setiap pagi menjelang aktivitas padat anda setiap harinya. Manfaatnya juga sangat baik untuk menjaga kondisi dan kesehatan dan kebugaran tubuh anda.
Demikianlah tips kesehatan yang mengulas 5 olahraga sederhana
yang mudah dan menyehatkan tubuh anda. Semoga bermanfaat untuk sahabat
Robot PRT akan Dibuat Lebih Ramping
Robot PRT akan Dibuat Lebih Ramping
detikcom - Rabu, 10 Maret

Dengan tubuh yang dibuat mirip manusia, lengkap dengan mekanika kerangka, otot dan tendon, serta adanya tulang belakang palsu, ia mampu berjalan luwes seperti layaknya manusia.
Tim pembesut robot yang dipimpin oleh Profesor Nakanishi ini menamakannya "Kojiro".
Nakanishi berharap ke depannya ia bisa membuat Kojiro dalam bobot yang lebih ringan dan fleksibel agar lebih lincah untuk urusan beres-beres rumah.
Hal ini mengingat, meski sang robot sudah cukup mumpuni, namun pergerakannya lebih lambat. Dan satu hal yang dikuatirkan akan menimbulkan masalah adalah mengenai beratnya.
Dengan berat yang disandangnya, Kojiro ditakutkan bisa melukai manusia atau objek di sekelilingnya.
Kojiro, selain dilengkapi dengan sistem yang berisi sekitar 100 otot tendon, ia juga diberi sensor untuk melacak pergerakannya dan juga sebuah akselerometer dan dua giroskop untuk membantunya tetap seimbang.
Sejauh ini, para ahli coba menggerakkan Kojiro dengan memakai kontroler game. Namun untuk ke depan, seperti dikutip detikINET dari DailyMail, Rabu (10/3/2010), tim tersebut telah merencanakan akan membuat algoritma komputer untuk pergerakan yang kompleks.
Sumber : News Yahoo
Bedanya Komputer Tablet dan Notebook
Bedanya Komputer Tablet dan Notebook
Tempo - Kamis, 11 Maret
TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Seseorang, sebut saja Abdul, menanyakan apa beda laptop dengan komputer tablet. Baginya, laptop terlalu berat dan besar. "Karena itu, saya ingin menggantinya dengan tablet PC," katanya dalam sebuah forum diskusi di Internet.
Pertanyaan Abdul itu sepertinya wajar. Kendati komputer tablet bukan teknologi baru karena telah diperkenalkan beberapa tahun lalu, hingga kini masih banyak orang yang belum tahu "barang" apakah komputer tablet itu. Tak seperti laptop yang sudah lebih dikenal luas. Untuk membedakannya dengan laptop atau komputer jinjing, mari kita definisikan dulu apa itu komputer tablet.
Komputer tablet sejatinya merupakan komputer portabel seperti halnya laptop. Sesuai dengan namanya, bentuknya seperti tablet yang dipenuhi layar. Komputer tablet memiliki layar sentuh atau teknologi tablet digital yang memungkinkan pengguna komputer mempergunakan stylus atau pulpen digital untuk mengoperasikannya. Karena itu, pada umumnya komputer tablet tak dilengkapi keyboard maupun tetikus.
Senin, 02 Desember 2013
Tips to Use Skeleton King (Dota2)
- Hellfire Blast is a very good nuke, allowing you to disable and slow at the same time. A perfect tool for ganks and team fights, it has a relatively low cooldown, so spam it if you have enough mana.
- Learning Vampiric Aura during laning phase will shift the creeps equilibrium and you'll be forced to farm and fight under enemy tower. Good for pushing, but hurts your farm and puts you and your allies in disadvantageous position.
- Always make sure to save some mana for Reincarnation, if you have less than 140 mana, you will not reincarnate. Soul Ring is handy for this purpose.
- Hellfire Blast is usually maxed first and Reincarnation is taken as soon as possible. It's also recommended to take one or two levels of Stats on early levels to improve Skeleton King's mana pool and health, as both Mortal Strike and Vampiric Aura are not useful in lane (Due to the 6.79 patch Skeleton King has more base intelligence and has more mana to work with. This allows you to level up mortal strike earlier, increasing your dps for possible team fights).
- Armlet of Mordiggian and Soul Ring are commonly built for Skeleton King because Vampiric Aura allows him to heal up quickly after taking damage from these items. With both items, at very low health, you can activate Armlet, then Soul Ring, then quickly deactivate and reactivate Armlet for what is essentially a free Soul Ring use.
- Activating Phase Boots and Drum of Endurance at the same time will give you enough mobility to chase and kill.
- Grabbing a Force Staff can help make up for Skeleton King's lack of mobility, and it allows him to jump closer to his targets to make up for the short range of Hellfire Blast.
- Divine Rapier is a very strong item on Skeleton King, allowing him to take advantage of his great survivability (from Reincarnation and Vampiric Aura).
- Refresher Orb is situational, as it allows you to potentially Reincarnate twice in a fight allowing you to be that much more useful in a team fight.
- Although picking up the Aegis of the Immortal may seem redundant on Skeleton King, it is recommended if he is his team's main carry. This way, he has 3 lives to expend, and unlike Reincarnation, the Aegis doesn't require mana.
- Try to initiate and tank as much damage as possible in team fights. If you are the last to die, nobody will be able to help you when you proc Reincarnation!
- An alternate build known as wizard skeleton king is actually very viable. Due to the low cool down on Hellfire Blast, by choosing to forgo any points in critical strike for stats, as well as building arcane boots it is possible to have enough mana to constantly spam your stun. Moving from here directly to a dagon makes you a formidable ganker, and allows you to knock out targets in teamfights with less worry of dying compared to a typical nuker due to Reincarnation. Another benefit of this build is that it is very rare to not have enough mana for your ult.
Tips to Use Drow Ranger (Dota2)
- Manually casting Frost Arrows (known as orbwalking) will prevent you from drawing creep/tower aggro. This is also needed to kite and escape opponents in a bad situation.
- An early level of Silence is crucial to defend against spell-casters, although it will still be maxed last.
- With the new Marksmanship,
maintaining a distance is important for Traxex now, as this will help
her deal great damage to enemies thanks to the additional Agility
provided. Make sure you are more than 400 units away from your enemy and
kite them to keep your distance so you will enjoy the full bonus effect
of Marksmanship, as the extra Agility is negated when being close to
your enemy heroes.
- As mentioned above in the Abilities section, there is now a visual particle effect that indicates when the Marksmanship bonus is active. The particle effect looks not unlike that of dry ice, and it emanates from Traxex's body. If this particle effect disappears, you are too close to an enemy, and the bonus will deactivate. This visual effect also disappears when invisible heroes are within the 400 range, so use it as an indicator for a possible gank.
- If during a team fight the enemy heroes get close to each other, using Silence in many or even all of them can simply turn the battle aside, making Drow Ranger not just a great carry, but also a powerful disabler/initiator too, if given the chance.
- When in possession of Shadow Blade, she can effectively gank by taking a shot to break the invisibility and immediately using her silence, leaving the target slowed, damaged (due to her natural high damage added to the 150 damage bonus) and silenced, being completely unable to react (apart from using items).
- Because of the removal of the bonus agility when there is an enemy hero near Drow Ranger, it is advised to avoid picking her when the enemy carries are especially mobile (Antimage, Faceless Void) or otherwise employ powerful slows that match Frost Arrow (Viper, Phantom Assassin).
- Manually casting Frost Arrows (known as orbwalking) will prevent you from drawing creep/tower aggro. This is also needed to kite and escape opponents in a bad situation.
- An early level of Silence is crucial to defend against spell-casters, although it will still be maxed last.
- With the new Marksmanship,
maintaining a distance is important for Traxex now, as this will help
her deal great damage to enemies thanks to the additional Agility
provided. Make sure you are more than 400 units away from your enemy and
kite them to keep your distance so you will enjoy the full bonus effect
of Marksmanship, as the extra Agility is negated when being close to
your enemy heroes.
- As mentioned above in the Abilities section, there is now a visual particle effect that indicates when the Marksmanship bonus is active. The particle effect looks not unlike that of dry ice, and it emanates from Traxex's body. If this particle effect disappears, you are too close to an enemy, and the bonus will deactivate. This visual effect also disappears when invisible heroes are within the 400 range, so use it as an indicator for a possible gank.
- If during a team fight the enemy heroes get close to each other, using Silence in many or even all of them can simply turn the battle aside, making Drow Ranger not just a great carry, but also a powerful disabler/initiator too, if given the chance.
- When in possession of Shadow Blade, she can effectively gank by taking a shot to break the invisibility and immediately using her silence, leaving the target slowed, damaged (due to her natural high damage added to the 150 damage bonus) and silenced, being completely unable to react (apart from using items).
- Because of the removal of the bonus agility when there is an enemy hero near Drow Ranger, it is advised to avoid picking her when the enemy carries are especially mobile (Antimage, Faceless Void) or otherwise employ powerful slows that match Frost Arrow (Viper, Phantom Assassin).
- Manually casting Frost Arrows (known as orbwalking) will prevent you from drawing creep/tower aggro. This is also needed to kite and escape opponents in a bad situation.
- An early level of Silence is crucial to defend against spell-casters, although it will still be maxed last.
- With the new Marksmanship,
maintaining a distance is important for Traxex now, as this will help
her deal great damage to enemies thanks to the additional Agility
provided. Make sure you are more than 400 units away from your enemy and
kite them to keep your distance so you will enjoy the full bonus effect
of Marksmanship, as the extra Agility is negated when being close to
your enemy heroes.
- As mentioned above in the Abilities section, there is now a visual particle effect that indicates when the Marksmanship bonus is active. The particle effect looks not unlike that of dry ice, and it emanates from Traxex's body. If this particle effect disappears, you are too close to an enemy, and the bonus will deactivate. This visual effect also disappears when invisible heroes are within the 400 range, so use it as an indicator for a possible gank.
- If during a team fight the enemy heroes get close to each other, using Silence in many or even all of them can simply turn the battle aside, making Drow Ranger not just a great carry, but also a powerful disabler/initiator too, if given the chance.
- When in possession of Shadow Blade, she can effectively gank by taking a shot to break the invisibility and immediately using her silence, leaving the target slowed, damaged (due to her natural high damage added to the 150 damage bonus) and silenced, being completely unable to react (apart from using items).
- Because of the removal of the bonus agility when there is an enemy hero near Drow Ranger, it is advised to avoid picking her when the enemy carries are especially mobile (Antimage, Faceless Void) or otherwise employ powerful slows that match Frost Arrow (Viper, Phantom Assassin).
Tips to Use Juggernaut (Dota2)
- Blade Fury allows the Juggernaut to deal massive amounts of damage early game, especially if you take Boots of Speed early on or have a teammate with a disable. Always try to lane with heroes such as Crystal Maiden, Lion, Venomancer and Shadow Shaman to increase your potential. If you have boots, and the enemy does not, look to be aggressive with Blade Fury.
- Blade Fury can be used as an escape mechanism due to its magic immunity. Using it alongside Healing Ward can result in escaping even the most difficult situations.
- Omnislash works best if you catch an enemy hero away from their creeps. Time it well to avoid wasting hits on creeps, and ensure your enemy doesn't have any blink or invisibility skills, as those will cause your ultimate to not affect them.
- Healing Ward is a great way to keep pushes going and heal yourself. Make sure you don't neglect it!
- Taking stats rather than Healing Ward and Blade Dance at very early levels may be a better idea. After all, stats are more useful in the early game due to your high mana costs and lack of survivability. Focusing on stats and Blade Fury up until you can get Omnislash makes you far more viable in survivability and mana management.
- Do not be fooled into thinking you are hard to kill while using Blade Fury. Enemies who have a high amount of physical damage, such as Drow Ranger or Sven, will be able to deal heavy damage to you even if you are under Blade Fury's effects.
Tips to Use Pudge (Dota2)
- Meat Hook to Rot to Dismember is the standard combo.
- Meat Hook is hard to master but extremely versatile; it can be used to:
- Pull a fleeing enemy into a gank, or back into one if they blinked away.
- Pull a lone hero into your team to make any resulting teamfight 4v5.
- Pull an allied hero out of a dangerous situation.
- However, in case the enemy has some sort of AoE initiation skill (Echo Slam, Epicenter, Requiem of Souls, Sanity's Eclipse etc.), it's usually better to avoid hooking at all to start teamfight, lest you set up a perfect initiation for the other team. The reason is after you hook someone and your team converge on you to kill the target, you will act as a beacon for those skills, especially if they have a Blink Dagger.
- An easy way to land a Meat Hook is to walk up to your enemy slow him with Rot and finish him off with a Meat hook, while they are slowed.
- Hiding spots and hooking positions: [1].
- Don't be afraid to use Rot to escape from a chasing melee hero. Toggle it quickly on and off to apply the speed debuff to them, with minimal damage to yourself.
- If you are Dismembering and have not used Meat Hook, make sure to not shift queue it because it can easily be dodged by running to the left or right.
- If you have Aghanim's Scepter and are low on health you can Dismember a creep to quickly restore a lot of HP.
- Blink Dagger can be bought on Pudge. If you hook a unit onto an unpathable ledge, the unit gains free pathing for 5 seconds.
- Pudge can use Rot to deny himself, committing suicide and preventing the other team from receiving gold and experience for his death; killing himself in this way does not, however, reset his killing spree, resulting in the other team receiving more gold for killing him if he continues his spree.
- Keep in mind that the range on Flesh Heap is relatively small; you will not gain a charge if your Meat Hook kills someone outright (i.e. with the impact damage) from long range for example. Try to keep yourself in close proximity to enemies nearing death to maximize your strength gains over the course of a match.
Tips to Use Ursa (Dota2)
- One level in Fury Swipes and Vladmir's Offering (or Skeleton King's Vampiric Aura) allows Ursa Warrior to solo Roshan relatively early (as early as level 1 if the player gets lucky with Roshan's bashes). However, it should be noted that Fury Swipes is a Unique Attack Modifier and, as such, lifesteal effects that are also Unique Attack Modifiers (such as that from Morbid Mask) do not grant lifesteal, as Fury Swipes overrides them.
- As a hero with little natural capability to forcibly engage combat, speed items such as Phase Boots are useful for chasing down heroes while patrolling alone.
- Earthshock is a relatively effective slow even without Blink Dagger, but regardless of the circumstance initiation is best left to allies due to its short range. It is best used instead to prolong the time enemies are in range.
- While small, Overpower does have a cast time and should be cast preemptively to prevent time lost in the middle of a fight. When using Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade, cast Overpower before initiating so that its cast time doesn't prevent you from attacking and to let its cooldown run lower for an additional use.
- While used primarily for its slow, Earthshock has an extremely low cooldown and mana cost and, assuming you don't need to save mana for other abilities or items, can be spammed for additional area of effect damage; however, be wary of its long cast animation, as it may allow fleeing enemies to retreat out of melee range.
- Given that because of Fury Swipes Ursa Warrior's damage consistently increases, on equal terms there are next to no heroes who can actually battle him alone. Consider making attack speed, and durability increasing items as due to his passive and ultimate Ursa does not really need damage items.
- With proper management of tangos and salves Ursa and Skeleton King can kill Roshan at level 1. Beware however that most veteran players are aware of this and it is a risky gamble that if successful will give your team a huge early game advantage. This tactic can also be achieved with Ursa and Io as well.
Tips to Use Jakiro (Dota2)
- The huge range and lasting area effect of Icepath make it roughly analogous to Earthshaker's Fissure. It is an amazing spell for opening up opportunities to fight or to shut down aggression. It doesn't do much damage at early levels, however.
- Dual Breath is his damage spell, with the greatest damage gain of any of his skills. Depending on who Jakiro lanes with, this or Icepath is his highest priority skill to level when preparing for ganks.
- Liquid Fire is a spell with a relatively insignificant damage effect, but its effect is free
additional damage and damage reduction, and can be opted for even in
the early game. Otherwise, its an incredible damage reduction spell and
can be kept up continually when fully leveled.
- Hits with Liquid Fire are very useful for tower pushing as it reduces their damage output and deals damage even if Jakiro is not there to take tower hits. Hit-and-runs with Liquid Fire can reduce tower health significantly.
- It is also suitable for pushing lane creeps in the same way, although players should not expect to push down waves in the same way as other, more powerful lane control spells.
- Combine Macropyre with spells that keep the enemy in place as long as possible, such as Chronosphere, Black Hole or Upheaval.
It does not guarantee damage without these effect and is a fairly low
damage spell, so chaining it with other spells is necessary for any real
- This also works to counter enemy spells and melee heroes that require they stay in an area; throw Macropyre from outside Chronosphere, for example, to dissuade Void from teammates.
Tips to Use Meepo (Dota2)
- Meepo's gold is best spent on items which benefit all Meepos. This means aura items and stats.
- Meepo has huge damage potential in the mid-game. Four successful poofs in the middle of a team fight equates to over 1,000 AoE damage. Especially in the 10-25 minute mark when Meepo can really kick into gear, this is well over half the HP pool of most heroes, and may in fact just one-shot squishier heroes. Similarly, four (five with Aghanim's) Meepos hitting a single target provides nearly unparalleled DPS (especially combined with Geostrike). Unlike other carries, he is not reliant on DPS items to reach this damage potential.
- That being said, his greatest weakness is his survivability. With a measly 1.6 Strength gain, clones are very squishy targets. The most reliable way to increase clone durability is by getting Strength items. To this end, Aghanim's Scepter can give clones a massive boost. If you're not off to a great start, Mekansm is a cheaper alternative that gives more immediate bonuses. This weakness is very apparent early game, since he's not a fantastic laner and before level 4 doesn't have much of an escape. This makes you quite vulnerable to early game aggression.
- Meepo can level up much, much faster than other heroes, thanks to his clones; Dota counts each clone as a separate hero for experience mechanics. This means you can get two lanes, or lane and jungle experience, the same time. It also means you get a more significant chunk of experience for hero kills in team fights. If you are behind in levels, make sure to farm as much as you can (even if it means farming on the opposing team's jungle) to catch up to your opponents. One or two Meepos can farm in the lanes, while the rest can farm the jungle. Three clones can easily take out the whole jungle in less than a minute. This accelerated farm and experience is what gives Meepo his midgame dominance.
- In order to maximize the effectiveness of his clones, don't always group them up in one; you can split them up to groups (preferably in two). In ganks, this can mean that one group of Meepos can initiate a fight, while the other can wait and ambush. Also, splitting them up to groups can make Poof an effective escape mechanism, so long as your secondary group is safe from harm.
- Keep in mind that casting Earthbind has a delay in deploying, so predict your target's path and throw accordingly. Earthbind's area-of-effect ensnare can be deadly to multiple heroes if used effectively. Also, Earthbind stops channeling abilities and prevents invisibility during its duration. Earthbind is also very effective for scaring opponents - even if they have the upper hand, two or three consecutive Earthbinds on enemy heroes (even without any followup) is enough to scare many people into turning around.
- Meepo has great split-pushing power. His clones can quickly take down a tower while the opposing team is engaged in a team fight. This works especially well when you see your opponents grouping up for a push - send your clones into an uncontested lane and push it. When the team fight begins, you can Poof all of them in (alternatively your counterpushing may just force them to back off). If the enemy engages on your clones, you can Poof them back to the main Meepo.
- A large part of playing a good Meepo is effectively and quickly controlling all the clones. To this end, finding a good set of control groups and item/ability hotkeys can greatly improve gameplay. Ingraining various muscle memory patterns can help a lot to, say, select a dying Meepo and move him to safety in the middle of battle.
- It is best advised not to pick Meepo when the enemy team has heroes who can isolate one of your clones or disable all of them. In this aspect Meepo players should especially be wary of Pudge's Meat Hook, Vengeful Spirit's Nether Swap, Kunkka's X Marks the Spot, Faceless Void's Chronosphere, Warlock's Fatal Bonds and Chaotic Offering Combo, Tidehunter's Ravage etc.
- From level 1 to 6, you should play super safe and last hit and deny only. Don't try to go for kills. This is because Meepo is very squishy and is quite easy to shut down at early levels. It is never a bad idea to just stand back and take exp without putting yourself in harms way. When at level 6, you can go farm at the jungle with the clone Meepo as a source of gold.
Tips to Use Kunkka (Dota2)
- Tidebringer is your signature ability, and should usually be trained early and maxed out first. Notable exceptions would be when having a stun to chain would be advantageous for early kills or you need a mechanism to prevent escape heroes from running away.
- Use Torrent to initiate battles and disable opponents.
- Try to get raw damage to maximize your Tidebringer damage.
- X Marks the Spot works well with Torrent to ensure you a hit. Leaving X at level 2 allows you to immediately cast Torrent after X because both skills have a delay of 2 seconds. Consider if the extra range on higher X levels is needed.
- Ghost Ship delays half of the damage dealt to allies, making it great for short team battles.
- Train Torrent first if you're going for First Blood, otherwise, train Tidebringer.
- Try dual laning with heroes such as Crystal Maiden, Shadow Shaman, Shadow Demon, Bane, or Vengeful Spirit. Their disables will help you land your Torrents.
- Use a high leveled X Marks the Spot on enemies who are trying to flee using a Town Portal Scroll and they will be brought back to the X no matter how far they've gone!
- The classical combo should be: Torrent and then Ghost Ship, but you can add X Marks the Spot before them if you are targeting a single unit.
- During team fights, either initiate with your combo when the enemies get clumped together, or wait until the battle starts and use it when they get clumped.
- You can use X Marks the Spot and a scroll of teleportation to go back to your base, refill your bottle, and go back to your previous location.
- Ghost Ship will always appear a specific distance behind Kunkka and end a specific distance from Kunkka(The only exception being if Kunkka is facing away from the edge of the map, but the ship will still travel the fixed distance infront of him). The distance at which the boat appears and hits can be seen by mousing over the ability and noting the radius circle behind and infront of Kunkka. Practising memorising the distance the ship travels in a practise game with cheats and wtf mode on can go a long way to pulling this wonderful ultimate off successfully.
- Another method to pulling off successful ultimates is to always set the target point for Ghost Ship to anywhere out of Kunkka's range. That way the end point and radius circle will always be placed where you clicked the target.
Tips to Use Enigma (Dota2)
- When starting a hero battle, if possible try to cast Midnight Pulse first, then Black Hole. The four seconds used while you are channeling your ultimate, you will have also drained their HP by 12%/16%/20%/24% respective to the ability's level. You should animation cancel the Midnight Pulse to give your opponents as little time to react as possible.
- Keeping Eidolons around you is a very good idea when there is a Pudge on the enemy team, as it makes you very difficult to hook, and Enigma is very easy prey for Pudge in the early game.
- In sufficient number, Eidolons can be used effectively in encounters, as en masse their collective attack does significant damage. If you die in an encounter and you have Eidolons still alive, use them to boost your team's damage a little.
- Black Hole's cooldown is very long, so you must judiciously use it even in prime situations. Although it should ideally be used on four or five enemy heroes, this is an uncommon opportunity, and using it on a couple of enemy heroes or even one important one is usually justifiable. Using it wisely does not necessarily mean using it on as many targets as possible, but adding to the team fight in the most significant way possible.
- Enigma's presence in encounters is greatly diminished while Black Hole is on cooldown, but he can make himself useful by saving Malefice for a crucial moment and also sneaking around to use Midnight Pulse within an area the enemies may try to escape through. A good combo is to use Malefice on an enemy walking through Midnight Pulse.
- Enigma works best with allied heroes who have strong AoE capabilities, such as Warlock or Queen of Pain.
- Enigma can kill Roshan before the 10-minute mark, with the help of Level 3 or 4 Eidolons. For acquiring them, use Demonic Conversion on either a neutral creep if he's on the Radiant side, or a lane creep if he's on the Dire side. An item commonly picked up is a Medallion of Courage, as it allows him to reduce Roshan's armor for a higher damage output. Try to tank the first few hits in order for the Eidolons to multiply, then use Demonic Conversion on one of them. The damage output, without Enigma's help, is 319 (with Medallion of Courage, 440), allowing him to take down Roshan in less than a minute.
Tips to Use Mirana (Dota2)
- Moonlight Shadow is useful both as an escape ability for yourself and/or the team, and as a way to set up a gank.
- As a strong semi-carry, Mirana is quite special - she doesn't really need farm early-mid game, thus making her a threat at that stage as a ganker. She is able to farm up items quite quickly by using Starstorm to clear creep waves as well.
- The movement/attack speed bonus from Leap is quite significant, more than an activated Drum of Endurance. Position this correctly during teamfights to buff all your allies with it.
- Even a level 1 Sacred Arrow can give a large stun if far away enough. Hiding in the jungle at level 1 and hitting one at level 1 can secure an easy first blood if laning with a good partner.
Tips to Use Riki (Dota2)
- It is usually recommended to get Permanent Invisibility as soon as possible.
- Casting Smoke Screen after using Blink Strike will stop enemies from escaping or fighting back after a sudden attack.
- Although chasing enemies might be useful, it is recommended not to be too reckless. If Riki is revealed, he can go down very quickly.
- Blink Strike can target allies and enemies. Jumping to a friendly unit can be useful in case Rikimaru needs to escape.
- Using items no longer drops Riki's invisibility. In that sense Dagon can be purchased for hilarious results.
- Although it is not mentioned, a Heart of Tarrasque can be a good item for Riki; his Permanent Invisibility allows him to slip away and let the passive regenerate him without fear of interruption.
Tips to Use Bounty Hunter (Dota2)
- Track provides a great deal of benefits to the team, the vision and movement speed help with ganking enemies as well as with avoiding enemy ganks, and the bonus gold will provide a big advantage over the enemy team if you get kills. You should try to cast it on every enemy hero, though priority targets should be carries as well as those that can go invisible.
- Despite being a carry, it is generally not recommended to farm when playing Bounty Hunter. Your abilities give you a great deal of power in the mid game, you should use this time ganking enemies as the bonus gold from Track more than makes up for the farm you may miss.
- Although it provides a great deal of benefits, Battlefury is not always the best item to get since it's main purpose is to farm. It may be better to opt for an Orchid Malevolence, Medallion of Courage, or other such items that will help you gank better early on.
- Although not always recommended, Shadow Blade can be useful for damage stacking. Using it and quickly Shadow Walking will give you +270 on your next attack, combining that with Jinada can heavily wound an enemy.
- It is possible to get the bonus damage of Shadow Walk twice by attacking once during the fade time and once to break the invisibility. This can help securing last hits or harassing.
Tips to Use Bloodseeker (Dota2)
- Bloodseeker, whilst being an efficient jungler and dual laner,
is also a prime choice for solo mid, as it gives him easy access to the
side lanes for ganking.
- Reaching level six as quickly as possible should be a priority of the player; ganks should not usually be attempted before he has his ultimate.
- Blood Bath gives Bloodseeker significant staying power in lane, healing him whenever he last hits or denies a creep.
- An early Quelling Blade will help you get the most benefit out of Blood Bath.
- Thirst is especially useful for allowing for clear targets on a team with no map vision or communication. Otherwise, its best for greatly increasing the risk under which weakened enemies move out or providing conditional speed.
- Leveling Bloodrage
causes it to turn into a steroid with a more powerful attack damage
buff on every level, but it also serves as a powerful early game nuke
and disable. The steroid effect on a fully-leveled Bloodrage is very
powerful, often on par with the full arsenal of buffs carried by a given
- Bloodrage should be cast on enemies beginning an engagement to prevent nukes. If Bloodseeker is laning against supports it is an extremely useful spell. Late game, it becomes a dedicated steroid for Bloodseeker or other carries or to twitch disable big caster threats such as Enigma or Earthshaker.
- At level 3 it can be used almost continuously, since it has a short casting animation.
- Rupture is one of the best skills to intercept an enemy hero that is chasing your allies, especially since it goes through magic immunity and does full damage regardless of armor and magic resistance. Heroes with high mobility like Anti-Mage, Lycan, Queen of Pain or Night Stalker suffer devastating damage when Ruptured as they are chasing or running away.
- When ganking it is sometimes best to save your Rupture for when your target begins running away rather than right at the beginning of the gank. You may want to follow up on an allied disable using Bloodrage to silence the target and saving Rupture should the target not die during the initial damage done.
- Bloodseeker is the fastest hero in the game when Thirst is level 4 with 5 heroes below 50% of their max hp.
- Maximum speed with Thirst is 1852. To reach it, you need Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Sange and Yasha, Boots of Travel, Phase Boots, Mask of Madness, Shadow Blade (on Bloodseeker, activate items in order MoM-Shadow Blade-Phase Boots), Kobold Foreman's Speed Aura, Spirit Breaker's Empowering Haste Aura, Io's Tether, Sven's Warcry, Ogre Magi's Bloodlust, Necronomicon Archer's Attack Speed and Movement Aura and activated Drum of Endurance.
Tips to Use Nyx Assasin (Dota2)
- Impale's effective range is longer than its casting range. It can be necessary to target the spell on the ground to hit targets just out of normal reach.
- As Vendetta's invisibility dispels only when your attack connects the enemy, it is nearly always best to deal your backstab damage before your Impale and Mana Burn follow-up.
- Use Spiked Carapace only just before your Impale's stun times out, so as to reduce the enemy's chances of noticing the effect and holding back their counterattacks until the Carapace expires.
- If you know that you are targeted for a delayed or long-range nuke (such as Sniper's Assassinate or Invoker's Sun Strike), it can be a good idea to purposefully time your Spiked Carapace to reflect the incoming damage. This will aid your team by disabling or even killing the caster. Spiked Carapace makes Nyx a good counter for Keeper of the Light through the early-mid game.
- Vendetta's fade time into invisibility is instant, and can be used to dodge many spells provided the enemy does not possess True Sight.
- It can sometimes be necessary to not use Vendetta to open ganks or fights, leaving the spell to chase down a fleeing enemy with the high speed boost. Vendetta is also a great escape mechanism if need be.
- Spiked Carapace is arguably one of the best defensive skills in the game that when used properly can disrupt whole teams and save you from many deaths despite your low health pool. Sometimes it might be a good idea to max it before your Mana Burn as the increased stun duration will come in handy when combined with your Impale.
- Due to its scaling Mana Burn becomes more powerful as the game progresses as it reduces the mana and damages its target based on their intelligence. High intelligence gaining heroes with low health pools such as Pugna, Enigma, Silencer make excellent targets later in the game.
Tips to Use Phantom Assasin (Dota2)
- Stifling Dagger
has multiple uses. It should generally be the first skill maxed, as it
allows you to last hit creeps even if they are far from you and later on
allows you to slow enemies at a great range.
- Avoid using Stifling Dagger as a harass tool in the laning phase before level 5, as you'll be losing a good amount of CS and it won't deal enough damage to ward off your enemy. However, you should use it on enemy heroes when they back up and attempt to use non-combat items such as Clarity and Healing Salve.
- Depending on your team's strategy, Phantom Strike can be taken at level 1 as the increased DPS combined with allied disables can secure First Blood.
- Phantom Strike can target allies and enemies. Jumping to a friendly unit can be useful if Mortred needs to escape.
- Leveling Blur is usually not recommended early on. However, a single point can be very helpful if your lane opponents are primarily harassing you with basic attacks, or orb-walking.
- There is a temptation among unseasoned players to focus on the maximisation of attack damage, neglecting attack speed. However, focusing on attack speed generally produces more favourable results; her critical damage is gigantic even with low attack damage and high attack speed means she is much more likely to kill her target, as opposed to relying on huge-but-infrequent criticals. In essence, the faster her attack speed; the less likely you will fail to kill a target because of lack of luck; and three Coups de Graces with average base attack are much stronger than a single one with high base attack.
- However it is not advised to build Mask of Madness on her for increased attack speed in a similar manner that it is built on heroes with bash as Phantom Assassin has very poor health and has no means to disable her opponents from attacking her while she is more vulnerable whilst Faceless Void has Chronosphere that freezes his enemies and Spirit Breaker's Greater Bash, Charge of Darkness and Nether Strike prevent retaliation.
- Be very wary of enemies using Blade Mail, as Mortred's damage output is many times greater than her health pool, though with a Black King Bar you can alleviate the issue if the enemy does build a Blade Mail.
- In the laning Phase of the game sometimes if you are facing severe harassment and your team is incapable of giving you the space to farm your items you might want to consider building a Mekanism on your hero as her skills hardly use any mana and because of her low health pool Mortred can get up to 1/3 of her health back early on and contribute to her team earlier. This item gives you more survivability against both nukes and physical attacks. Though building a Mekanism is VERY situational on a hard carry.
Tips to Use Skywrath Mage (Dota2)
- Skywrath Mage needs to control the spacing between him and his opponents carefully. Skirt the outside of the fight and slow and silence enemies that attempt to shut you down, everything you can do has very long range and your turnspeed is very fast.
- The amplification of magic damage couples nicely with arcane bolt's bonus intelligence damage. Ancient Seal also silences your target, so use this to net kills early game.
- Arcane Bolt deals a lot of damage at level 1 to level 1 heroes. When coupled with Intelligence bonus items like Mantle of Intelligence, even more damage is dealt. The mana cost is also very low, so it's a wonderful harrassment tool. It will also make last-hitting an easy task when you have some good mana regen going.
- Skywrath Mage is a very squishy hero, so HP items are commonly built. When laning or in a teamfight, try to stay out of range of enemy auto-attacks, and use your skills from a distance, only jumping in when necessary. Force Staff solves this problem easily, allowing a quick escape if danger arises.
- Mystic Flare is much more efficient on single heroes during ganks, since they receive the full, undistributed damage amount. Try to use this with an ally's stun, however, as the AoE is very small, and very easy to escape out of when not disabled. Using Mystic Flare during a teamfight isn't a bad idea, but it only really works if all the enemies are stunned by a large AoE teamfight Ultimate, such as Magnus's Reverse Polarity. Mystic Flare can be used to kill off the remaining heroes after the stun has been successful.
- Rod of Atos can be a good early-mid game item, as it gives health and Intelligence: you will be more difficult to kill, and your Arcane Bolt will deal even more damage. Furthermore, the slow can be used to set up a perfect Mystic Flare.
- You will need to be extremely careful when facing heroes that can deal damage based on your mana pool or intelligence. Examples of this include Pugna's Nether Ward, Anti-Mage's Mana Void and Nyx's Mana Burn. If these heroes are giving you trouble, you may even wish to consider a Black King Bar of your own later in the game to keep you protected from these powerful counters during teamfights.
- It is common to begin ganking at level 6. Skywrath Mage needs all the farm he can get for his core items and all the experience for more levels, which equal more intelligence.
- Skywrath Mage's killing combo is to initate Ancient Seal, then attack with Concussive shot. Follow up with Mystic Flare and some Arcane Bolt's to finish them off. Most supports and squishy heroes like Sniper will drop right after Mystic Flare and one or two Arcane Bolts.
- It is best to lane with heroes with stuns like Vengeful Spirit, Lion or even Alchemist. Stuns guarantee that Skywrath Mage will be able to land his Mystic Flare. Similarily, Heroes with long lasting disables like Shadow Shaman can hold them in place long enough for Skywrath to hit them with some Arcane Bolt's and Mystic Flare.
Tips to Use Keeper Of The Light (Dota2)
- Illuminate clears fog of war while channeling and as such should be used liberally when in dangerous territory to prevent a sneak attack by the enemy. Remember that charging it to fulmination increases its sight range; charging it and releasing it immediately will not be good for gaining sight.
- Illuminate's notorious creep-killing power makes Ezalor a remarkably good farmer considering his supportive role. As such, he will always have money for wards, and should ward extensively; as vision of the enemy allows for powerful Illuminate strikes.
- Although Illuminate is extremely powerful for early-game pushing and harassment, it will disrupt the farm of your laning partner; so if used it should be positioned only to damage the enemy heroes. Owing to his ability to replenish his mana, Illuminate can be used constantly; but mana replenishment is generally better used on his laning partner.
- Using Mana Leak and then Illuminate on a foe will force them either to take damage or lose mana; depending on whether or not they choose to move.
- Remember that you are a support. While maxing Illuminate seems a good choice for the damage and the pushing potential, it will also make you an easy prey to ganks. Unless you wish to push hard really early, consider maxing Chakra Magic first, which is very useful in the early stages of the game. If you are soloing a lane, a viable option for Ezalor; Illuminate can be maxed first and used to scare the enemy heroes into losing their lane.
- Keeper of the Light is a very effective lane support for Heroes who are very mana dependent; Chaos Knight, Morphling, Juggernaut, Skeleton King, Magnus, Tiny, Zeus, Leshrac, Ancient Apparition and many other Heroes will have their lane sustainability greatly augmented by your presence.
- Mana Leak will instantly stun Lone Druid's bear, as he has no mana by default. Use this to save yourself o
Tips to Use Zeus (Dota2)
- Always use Lightning Bolt before Arc Lightning so you may not lose your opponent in the fog.
- Always watch your positioning as Lightning Bolt and Arc Lightning have relatively long ranges, and Thundergod's Wrath has global range. Often, there is no reason to be up close in battle unless you are chasing down heroes; and Zeus' fragility compounds this.
- When trying to kill low hp heroes (low, but not low enough for Ultimate only) in hard to navigate areas use Thundergod's Wrath to gain vision of your enemy so you can Lightning Bolt them to death.
- During team fights, use all of Zeus's spells (including his ultimate) as soon as possible to make the best use of his passive. Static Field is based on the percentage of current health, not maximum health, so it will do more damage to heroes at full HP. If you wait for the enemy team's health to go down before using Thundergod's Wrath, then Static Field will not do as much damage as it could have.
- Remember that Lightning Bolt and Thundergod's Wrath provide truesight. Don't be afraid to use your ultimate or cast Lightning Bolt on a nearby creep if you believe an invisible enemy may be sneaking up on you or attempting to escape; if an enemy is invisible in a teamfight make sure to cast Lightning Bolt on another target before casting Thundergod's Wrath so that the granted truesight allows your ultimate to damage the invisible target.
- While skipping most of your core items to get Aghanim's Scepter and Refresher Orb earlier is a good idea to deal a lot of damage in a short time, it has many downsides. First of all, it will use most (if not all) of your mana, making you really weak and not very useful for a good amount of time. Second, if you don't have items which can increase your mana pool enough to cast your combo (Shiva's Guard, Rod of Atos, Bloodstone, Scythe of Vyse...) you may find yourself without mana even after using your Refresher Orb. Third, you will lack a very needed HP boost or an escape mechanism; this means that you'll be rather squishy and a lot of Heroes could kill you with just a stun and some damage. Fourth, you will probably kill a lot of Heroes, but your carry should do that. Zeus scales well into the late game thanks to his passive ability, but carries are far more useful than Zeus at dealing a reliable amount of damage in the late game. You shouldn't be killing anymore.
- Thundergod's Wrath should only be used to acquire a kill if your carry is unable to attain it themself. In most encounters, it should be used early in the fight to make things easier for one's team.
- In late game, Refresher Orb is a better item than scepter as it will allow Zeus to use his spells more often, which owing to his scaling passive is more important than stronger ultimate damage. Using your three spells with a scepter in late game will deal less damage than using your three spells, then refreshing them and using them again. However, Refresher Orb provides you with no survivability, so if you need to be more tanky and durable Aghanim's Scepter is the best choice, since it gives both HP and Strength, as well as other useful stats. Furthermore, using a Refresher Orb will drain a lot of mana, making you unable to cast your abilities if used carelessly.
Tips to Use Razor (Dota2)
- Mekansm and Drum of Endurance are very strong alternatives to Vanguard due to its poor viability on ranged characters. Mekansm is the stronger choice, but if someone else on the team is going to get it quickly (meaning at roughly the same time Razor could farm it, not 10 minutes later) Drums help Razor keep on his target and also tanks him up.
- Consider Phase Boots instead of Power Treads, as they allow you to keep in tether range of Unstable Current.
- Yasha is a strong item to get after the core as it works well with Unstable Current and further increases the movement speed of Razor plus it grants you the opportunity to upgrade it into either the Manta Style or the Sange and Yasha based on different situations.
- Plasma Field can be manipulated by moving Razor around, since it centers around him. This can help you position yourself so that Plasma Field can hit right at its maximum range.
- Razor has very few escape mechanisms, but can be deceptively durable with Unstable Current if focused.
- Use Static Link defensively in larger team fights to ensure you can gain the maximum drain amount without putting yourself in a bad position.
- Eye of the Storm damages the lowest health enemy close to him, making this ability very weak near creep waves. Try to save the ultimate for isolated team fights, or use Plasma Field to clear the creep wave quickly to focus the damage on heroes.
- In team fights, it is Razor's job to Static Link for the enemy carry and steal their farmed up power for himself. Once a link has been established and the fight has begun, Razor may choose whether to use the stolen damage to smite the enemy supports, or kill the carry himself.
- Static Link will not be purged if Razor's target becomes magic immune during the drain.
- Shadow Blade is an excellent item on Razor because the invisibility will conceal the particles for Static Link and Eye of the Storm, concealing Razor's position.
- Refresher Orb allows two instances of Eye of the Storm to be active at the same time, allowing for extreme DPS and armor reduction, though it is an expensive and niche item.
- Combined with Aghanim's Scepter, this can deal twice the damage to buildings.
- Generally in the early game, its best to pick up Static Link as it can boost your survivability by lowering enemy damage as well as allow you to create a noticable difference in you and your opponents last hitting power. This allows you to dominate the last hitting stage of the lane and keep your enemies in check
- Static Link is not broken by spells that pause the target such as Outworld Devourer's Astral Imprisonment or Shadow Demon's Disruption..
Tips to Use Centaur Warruner (Dota2)
- When trying to land Hoof Stomp on fleeing enemies, get in front of their path if possible. Most opponents will outrun the stun during the cast-time if they are already on the edge of the AoE.
- Return is an extremely powerful ability and not to be underestimated. Although its most notable effect is greatly increasing damage against enemies that try to gank Warrunner in the late game, even at lower levels it can completely shut down heroes with high damage and low health.
- To force a tower to attack you and utilize Return, issue an
attack command upon an enemy hero when in range (even one in another
- This trick also works to aggravate lane creeps.
- You can use Stampede's movement speed boost to help allies escape or chase in a pinch, although the long cooldown makes this usage situational.
- Stampede gives all allies the power to become initiators, allowing the entire team the chance to break into battle with destructive force; unfortunately, Stampede only affects enemies once for a relatively short duration, so in larger fights the skill may go totally awry. This means the initiation must be careful and planned, with a chosen initiator, as with other fights (more than not, possibly Warrunner himself).
Tips to Use Axe (Dota2)
- Axe is especially dangerous early game with high starting statistics and the speed from Battle Hunger contributing to his ability to push up to the enemy tower relatively safely, even for a semi-carry.
- Berserker's Call provides the full armor bonus at level one. It is the primary factor in his ability to survive physical damage without good statistics.
- Resist using Culling Blade when not roaming. While Axe is powerful early game, he levels stat-wise fairly badly, and it is best to drop kills to a carry past the point when a team acquires their ultimate.
- Items such as the Vanguard, Hood of Defiance and the Shiva's Guard are essential as they help reduce the damage being dealt to Axe while he tanks and initiates a battle without a Blink Dagger. With a Blink Dagger, this aspect can be ignored when initiating to an extent.
- During the early phase of the game, a Stout Shield is all Axe needs to survive the lane. If possible, instead of fighting along with allied creeps, Axe can try to go and clash with the enemy creeps by himself with Counter Helix allowing him to take down unstacked creeps by himself.
- A more advanced technique used by players is to max out Battle Hunger by Level 7. This enables Axe to constantly deal dots (damage over time) in the lane, dealing crippling damage and blocking any potential to push or counterpush. This meshes well with Axe's capability to tank and keep the enemy at bay while stopping them from last hitting or denying creeps, allowing Battle Hunger deal its full damage.
- If Axe is going against two weak melee heroes in a lane without sufficient burst damage (such as Phantom Assassin or Spirit Breaker, etc.), do not hesitate to stand between them and their creeps. It allows for complete lane dominance as they cannot last hit and it denies them of experience and gold as Counter Helix hurts a lot early game.
- You can put "dota_health_per_vertical_marker 300" in the console without quotes to easily find the instakill hp thresholds for Axe's ultimate. Change the number according to Axe's ultimate. This sets each bar of health to the value you set, which means when they are under 1 bar of health, you can ultimate. This can also be applied to Dagon, but Magic Resist should be factored in.
- Axe is an excellent counter-pick to heroes with abilities that can greatly increase their attack speed (i.e. Ursa, Troll Warlord), as a combination of Berserker's Call and Blade Mail can be devastating to such heroes, especially if Counter Helix procs numerous times.
- Instead of using Berserker's Call to draw creep aggro in lane, it's usually better to right click enemy hero (which automatically pulls the creep aggro). It applies to any enemy heroes visible on map, thus you can pull aggro by standing in the middle of wave and right clicking visible enemy on the other side of the map.
Tips to Use WIndranger (Dota2)
- If you must solo a lane, take Windrun first. This will give you a reliable escape if you are being ganked early.
- Power Shot should always be maxed first, as it is a very
powerful nuke early. One point in both Shackle Shot and Windrun is
usually sufficient. Remember that Power Shot damages invisible heroes,
so if you know where they are do not hesitate to use it. Late-game,
Power Shot can be used as an exploratory long-range spell.
- Power Shot claims to do reduced damage if released early, but releasing it at 60% or more inflicts full damage.
- Despite it being unlisted in her recommended items, Mekansm is very strong on Windranger. Consider getting it on her after your upgraded boots, provided no one else can get it at a similar time. Remember, Mekansm is better the earlier it's gotten.
- Shackle Shot's ministun is extremely useful for interrupting channeled spells, such as Bane's and Pudge's ultimates.
- Early-game, unless circumstances are unusual, always save enough mana to Windrun when you are in dangerous territory.
- Due to the rework of Focus Fire, it might be useful to level it early, as it is now more useful in teamfights, allowing you to focus down the enemy carry, be wary of the mana cost though, as using it might leave your mana too low to cast your other spells, which are more useful in most cases.
- Despite being an escape mechanism, Windrun is potentially a very powerful defensive spell, as it allows complete immunity against damage from physical attacks.
- Building an Aghanim's Scepter with a powerful attack modifier can shift Windranger's role from supportive chaser/nuker to that of a semi-carry, as it will allow her to scale. However, building a scepter without an attack modifier is not very useful, and Windranger can function very well with attack modifiers even without building a scepter. Build an attack modifier first, then choose whether or not to build scepter.
Tips to Use Dazzle (Dota2)
- Don't forget that Shadow Wave deals damage around your healed allies as well, roughly a Melee hero swing and a tiny bit more; a bit similar to Omniknight's Purification but with considerably less raw healing.
- Each level of upgrade for Shallow Grave makes it cost less mana; if you're having mana problems (and you likely will), consider upgrading it sooner rather than later.
- Your first skill can be any of the three depending on the situation; Poison Touch if you're hunting for first blood (with teammates, by yourself or with a single lane partner is probably not enough and can be risky in the event of a reversal), Shallow Grave if the enemy has not been spotted in their lanes and you suspect a possible gank incoming, and Shadow Wave if you're fighting an aggressive melee gank with an ally.
- Don't forget that the range of Shallow Grave increases with each level; it starts out less than your normal attack, but at level 4 goes to twice that length. You don't want to have an ally die just because you had to run in closer.
- Using Shallow Grave is the most important role Dazzle has, and one of the chief reasons why Dazzle is complicated; in using it you grant an ally or yourself five seconds where they cannot die. For newer players, it is often better to use it earlier than never; 2 seconds of life for an ally is better than none. More experienced players can gauge the situation of battles better, and can determine if burst damage has already been applied, amount and length of incoming stuns, and at whom they're directed, et cetera. In the early game laning phase, you can aggressively attempt a kill and then use Grave on yourself once you're near death; however, this can easily backfire due to burst damage and stun, preventing you from using the spell. In the mid game, your priority to grave are heroes with powerful abilities that haven't been used yet in an encounter, such as a Sand King Epicenter, a Tidehunter's Ravage, or an Enigma's Black Hole. Typically, the use of such ultimates would change the tide of battle in your favour, although this would only apply if those types of heroes are caught out of position, or are about to die before they can use it. Preventing a hard carry from dying and losing their gold is also important, but not if it means losing the teamfight and being able to push. In late game, keeping your hard carry alive becomes your top priority. There may be instances wherein you must choose between the life and death of allies, and it is very important to know who to prioritise (knowledge of priority will become second-nature with experience). For example, choosing between keeping Tidehunter alive after his Ravage has been used is a poor decision versus keeping your team's Lycan from dying, but if Tidehunter's death seems to be sure and Lycan's does not, you must make a decision very quickly. This is the difficulty of Dazzle.
- While Weave is a spell with a fairly simple effect it can massively increase both the deadliness and the durability of your team, especially if it is heavy in physical damage dealers who need to close with the enemy like Ursa and Sven.
- Learn to use Weave pre-emptively to maximise the armor buff/debuff for the team fight. In addition, it can be used to discourage your enemies from sieging a tower or attempting Roshan: as their armor deteriorates while they make an attempt, their chances of following up with a team fight in their favour becomes much lower.
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